RCC11. Gymnastics Club
Proposer: Claire Bailey
Funding allocated: £5,420
The Proposal
We want to increase the level of skills we offer by providing British Gymnastics Level 2 training and certification for our 2 main coaches to enable us to teach certified workshops from pre-school age to young adults. We would like to develop our club to be able to offer services throughout North East Lincolnshire and support young people to develop their health and fitness as a family, at schools and community centres, from a young age.
What we spent the money on!
Please note that due to a sudden bereavement, the funds were not returned and the group has difficulty locating where they are. However, the club has worked together to continue to develop its services and work with local families and schools.
Issues to Overcome.
Due to the sad loss of one of our most dedicated, key supporters and a committee member, the club has had to overcome bereavement and readjustment, particularly as the lady was mother to the Head Coach and the family are very supportive and involved in the development of the club. The committee has remained supportive to each other and has managed to secure a small amount of funding.
What we achieved!
Although our club committee has had to make role adjustments, we have managed to achieve additional young new members and improved the qualifications of our coaches.
Two of our main coaches have successfully achieved Level 2 Certification in Coaching Gymnastics. As a result of this and other certification, they are able to effectively plan, conduct and evaluate coaching sessions of all ages. The club is now going from strength to strength with many young people involved, from pre-school to young adults.
In September 2015, one of our young Gymnasts, Phoenix, competed in his first Yorkshire Championship and placed 5th overall and as a result of this has been selected to represent Yorkshire at the National Finals which is being held in Birmingham in November. (Please see photograph below).
Families pay for our classes which run on our North East Lincolnshire gyms. We are keen to continue development and seek further funds for coach training and equipment…