Telephone Befriending

RCC 2 – Telephone Befriending Proposer: Julie Rigby Funding allocated: £3650 The Proposal: We wanted to set up a telephone befriending service. We currently offer a one to one befriending service where our volunteers actually visit in person. Through our work we have identified the need for additional telephone befriending. This may be during the period were a new member is waiting for a volunteer to become available, when existing…

Making Shibashi Style Tai Chi

RCC1. Making Shibashi Style Tai Chi Sustainable in the community Proposer: Bill Gwyther – Volunteer in the Wellbeing Collaborative – Cohort One Change Champions course Funding allocated: £2,350 The proposal: One of the activities that over 50s are very keen to do is the practice of shibashi style tai chi This is very beneficial for older people in reducing anxiety, hypertension, increasing their balance, their confidence and their sense of…

Foresight Older People’s Service

RCC 3 – Foresight Older People’s Services Proposer: Lynne Smith Funding allocated: £1,000 The Proposal: Lynne Smith from Foresight attended the first Change Champions Programme. Lynne had secured funding from Lloyds Bank to set up a time banking programme for older people, and was keen to enlist support in how to develop this approach. While the RCC Programme shared a range of time banking materials and approaches, the Programme led…